Do Moisturizers Really Do Anything? Read this ICON Interview with Transderma Creator Dr. Alvin Ronlán (12 May 2015, ICON Online)
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Do Moisturizers Really Do Anything? Read this ICON Interview with Transderma Creator Dr. Alvin Ronlán (12 May 2015, ICON Online)
“Almost everyone uses one and almost no one knows what’s in them. Moisturizers, says Dr. Alvin Ronlán, are just too complicated.”
In this May 2015 interview with ICON, Dr. Ronlán contrasts Transderma serums to other, more complicated products and talks about some of the virtues of the simplicity of Transderma serums.
When asked his suggestions for a daily beauty routine, Dr. Ronlán says it is important to keep skin clean. It is best to use a product with vitamin C. Then, in the evening, for cell regeneration, use Transderma A, with pure Vitamin A. He advises against overly complicated products or combinations from different series which may not work well together…and when you have found the routine that works well for you, stick to it.
There’s much more! Read this great interview at (Bringen Feuchtigkeitscremes in Wahrheit gar nichts? | Anna Eube, freelance editor | 12 May 2015)
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Do Moisturizers Really Do Anything? Read this ICON Interview with Transderma Creator Dr. Alvin Ronlán (12 May 2015, ICON Online) — No Comments